enhancing your profile. You need to add a photo, phone number, email address, your profession, who your client and referral partners are by vocation. Our system matches people for creating referrals. Working with your partners to create introductions/Referral for people that you know. People belong to networking groups today to receive referrals. Since 70-90% of most new business for professionals comes from referrals, this is powerful. This is the 21st century form of network. Real
Laurence Isaacson has spent 45 years in expense reduction helping business reduce costs. What I found so interesting: 1) The company works on a contingency basis. 2) Has closed over $3 billion in transaction. 3) they have a new platform that has a data link of $6 trillion and and 10 million vendors. - Meaning of Triggers in business network.
When you are involved in networking groups/ referral groups,
the objective is to refer people to your networking partners that have a need for goods for services.
The MyCity Trigger Wizard- This section is for giving direct introduction / referral for your referral partners. Learning Business Triggers, referral triggers
Once you've entered information into the system on an individual, you can use the algorithm to creating an introduction/referral.
Look in the referral section and click on Introduction/Referral. The system will generated people that a good introductions based on the interview process of
Grow Your Business with the System
1) The 3 Touch System- Turn Prospects into relationship in 30 Day.
2) Our Calling and texting System gets a 20-25% response rate from social media. And this system runs only $39.95/mo
3) The Referral System- Give introduction a
Grow Your Business with the System
1) The 3 Touch System- Turn Prospects into relationship in 30 Day.
2) Our Calling and texting System gets a 20-25% response rate from social media. And this system runs only $39.95/mo
3) The Referral System- Give introduction a