The 21st century way to network!

Post date:01/29/2017 0

LinkedIn is a great place for you to grow your business.

We took LinkedIn one step further with Or check out our video:

As a business person the most valuable asset we have are the people we know.

And, when you give referrals you get referrals.

Roughly 10 years ago the average person knew 150-180 people. Today that number
has increased to 500-1000 people plus. Big change due to mobile devices, the 
Internet and social media.

Few business people have organized the people they “know”.

The Mycity system is a proactive way to meet people. You work with your referral
partners, query our database, search by vocation, location and rating to find the 
people you wish to meet without names being divulged.

You no longer need to be reactive with your networking. Mycity makes you proactive!
This program takes any referral group and fuels life into creating more referrals.

Go to, and sign up for free. Check it out!

Or check out our video:

Or give me a call.

Bob Friedenthal
310 736-5787

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