If you can’t tell by now, social media is the new marketing.
Here some amazing statistics that might open your eyes:
1) Global Active Internet Users now totals 3.175 Billion, that’s nearly half of the world’s population (7.7
2) As for Social Media, there are over 2.62 Billion active users, a global penetration of 34%.
3) There are 4.57 Billion Unique Mobile Users as of 2018, accounting for a 59% worldwide
4) 2.1 Billion users utilize their mobiles for Social Media platforms.
So, in reality what’s holding you back? Overwhelmed? Venturing into new things can be stressful. But, if you have helping hands, it makes life easier. You still want to grow. Right? And now I hope you’re beginning to understand you don’t want to be left in the dust with social media. First, why do the work yourself? There are resources to do the work for you. Turn the clerical work over to people that can do the work.
Second. Training! Look for people that are willing and know how to handhold. It’s a lot easier to be taught rather that read manuals and get lost. The CEO of Ted talks was on 60 minutes and he stated the average person has an attention span of about 18 minutes. For years I’ve been instructing our trainers to train in 15 minutes. Keep it short and attempt singular topics at a time, so you don’t confuse and lose people.
When I lecture here are I always ask 3 questions:
Our simple formula for success.
1) Meet with prospects that are either potential clients or referral partners. (face to face). Ask the people
that you meet who they want to meet.
2) Send them an introduction from you social media. Your new connection will be impressed.
3) Invite your new connection to a networking event, mixer. People are more comfortable going with
others rather than alone.
Do this over a short period, let’s say a month and you’re on the way to a relationship. Want to get started? After all 25% of the year is already gone. Don’t wait!
Check out: http://www.mycity.com Join for FREE
More questions, call or email me.
Bob Friedenthal
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