Branding & Social Media Introduction. YOU are the brand today. Thank you social media!

Post date:01/29/2017 0

 Branding, Social Media and You

Brand recognition of a product or services has been the goal of businesses. Yet, the sales representative has been the interface between the customer and the business. Today, companies recognize social media as an essential element of promoting brand. Many companies today are teaching classes or managing social media for their sales departments. Advertising and marketing companies now include social media in their offering to create brand awareness.

Social Media Platform

Social media is now the number 1 engagement activity on the internet. Comscore reports Facebooks at 2.3 billion, LinkedIn 550 million, Twitter 335 million monthly unique visitors as of September 2018.

Internet technology reaching across the globe and has given tremendous opportunity from the small to big business giants. Since 2000 the social media networking has become a major platform for marketing and advertising. Individuals as well as small and big companies use these networks to build their brands and reach millions of customers all over the world. It is quick and affordable. Once an advertisement is posted, it reaches millions within an hour time by likes, groups and other mass advertisement features available with the social media sites. Social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram have millions of users all around the world. Current trend is to utilize this reach of social media for branding purposes.

Here are the Pitfalls

Branding for branding sake is not the end all answer. Posting does not necessarily create the ultimate objective,“orders”. Posting creates engagement, but a good “call to action” is vital. What is going to motivate your audience to buy from you? The way Branding and Social Media function currently, they have tapped enormous audience worldwide. Now, using high definition multimedia, good quality audio visual campaigns can be launched. This is also less expensive when real time advertisement campaigns are launched for a particular region or territory; here Social Media can give you the real time value of your branding efforts with accurate accountability of target users. How do you get in front of your audience? Most people rely on posting to create brand. This is an enormously time consuming effort. Our goal is to creating relationships which then allows you to create brand. Relationship selling also called referral marketing has the biggest payoff.

If you would like to learn more, please contact me.

Bob Friedenthal – LinkedIn Consultant

Check out referral system,
310 736-5787
Turning your LinkedIn into revenue

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