Statistics on LinkedIn

Post date:01/29/2017 0

Here are some interesting statistics about LinkedIn:

Business community- LinkedIn has the highest number of professionals than any other website.
Highest income level than any other website. Over $106,000 annually. If you think about it, where can you find more information about individuals, and it’s all generated by the individual. LinkedIn can be used as a contact management system (CRM) if you know how to use it.  There are 400 million members world wide. Over 130 million in the US. We know that 9 out of 10  people that use LinkedIn for networking  have not been able to generate revenue from LinkedIn. Unique visitors per month 187 million.  40% members check their LinkedIn daily. LinkedIn has more monthly unique visitors in the US and surpasses Twitter. Our experience is that few people know how to privatize their LinkedIn allowing their competition to also connect with their customers, prospects and referral partners.

Want to learn more? Call me, text me, email me:
Bob Friedenthal  CEO Edge Up Network
Linkedin Consultant
Turning Your LinkedIn into Revenue
310 736-5787.

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