The Only thing that gets in the way of success is YOU! Read on!

Post date:01/29/2017 0

Unless your industry is dying, ask yourself what’s getting in the way of your success? If you don’t know, ask your peers. They will hopefully know and tell you. Half the battle is following a plan, implementation, and measuring results. The other half is knowing yourself. If the results are not there, be flexible enough to change. My favorite saying is “The roadmap to life is always under construction”.  Edge Up Network has created an effective and efficient new way to make introductions for our clients. Unforeseen was how much help clients needed with closing skills, assisting with personal awareness and combating personal weaknesses. I find myself working more closely with these issues and it’s having impact. So, if you are wondering, this is why this article was written. Here is a brief checklist to help both from a business standpoint and also about YOU! BUSINESS:

  1. Do you have a plan? Know what it takes to grow your business.
  2. Do you spend enough time doing sales and marketing. Many coaches state you need 40% of your time in this area.
  3. Do you understand your customer’s needs?
  4. Keep up with technological change.
  5. Keep up with changes in your industry.
  6. Accountability – There are lots of places to go for free advice.


  1. Do you set goals?
  2. Are you a procrastinator?
  3. Lack of follow through. Do you complete tasks?
  4. Stay on track with a good  to do list. Do you have one?
  5. Be positive!
  6. Are you flexible enough to change?

Check out what people are saying about Edge Up Network: http:// Bob Friedenthal- Connect with me on LinkedIn. Let’s talk about ways to make you successful:

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