Formula for success in today’s environment. Get out of your comfort zone!!!

Formula for success in today’s environment. Get out of your comfort zone!!! 

1)You need to be in front of people today in the medium they use. Social Media, LinkedIn, Facebook and more. And Use it!   

Other forms of communication: video, email marketing, calling, texting, posting. 

2)Acquire and use data. Data is the new oil. Example: only about 25% of the people on LinkedIn even list a phone number. 

3) Most of us get new business by referral. You still have to close them. So use reviews as a strong selling point. 

4)Help don’t sell. Start by referring people!!

5)Build relationships. 

Check out the automated Mycity Referral System. Want to hear more? 


Calendar me for a 15 minute discussion. 

Book now for free services and help.  


Bob Friedenthal">>