How do your thoughts impact your behavior?

Our thoughts and beliefs actually have a significant impact on our behavior, including our energy level, motivation and success at your job. When we have positive and empowering thoughts, we tend to feel more energetic, motivated, and optimistic about our abilities to achieve our goals. On the other hand, negative thoughts and beliefs can literally drain our energy and lead to behaviors that are self-defeating and unproductive. For example, if you believe that you are not capable of achieving a particular goal, you may feel discouraged and lack the motivation to take action towards that goal. Therefore, it's essential to pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs and make sure that they are empowering and supportive of your goals. When we do think positively, we are more likely to take actions that align with our goals and lead to success. Conversely, when our thoughts are negative, we may engage in self-sabotaging behaviors that hinder our progress. I’m actually able to physically demonstrate how your thoughts immediately affect you using the concept of Behavioral Kinesiology, which is muscle checking of the body. I’ve shown these concepts to tens of thousands of people. You can watch a 17 minute video of my demonstrating this in front of a live audience so you can understand how your thoughts really do affect you - As you saw in the video, your thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on your behavior and energy level. By cultivating positive and empowering thoughts, you can increase our motivation, energy, and likelihood of achieving your goals.