Paul Levine's Cost Segregation Studies: Insights from an Interview with Bob Friedenthal, Social Media Management and Owner at

I'm Paul LaVine, and I'm here to talk about a game-changing strategy – cost segregation studies. With over 50 years of experience in real estate and as a former CPA, I've learned the ins and outs of this powerful tax-saving tool. When you acquire a property, you're not just buying a building; you're investing in land, structures, and tangible personal property. By segregating these assets and using techniques like bonus depreciation, you can significantly reduce your tax burden. But here's the catch – bonus depreciation is phasing out, and the time to act is now. This knowledge isn't just for real estate investors; it's valuable for business owners renting or buying commercial spaces. Unfortunately, many professionals, including some CPAs, remain unaware of these opportunities. The potential savings are substantial, impacting your cash flow and investment choices. I'm dedicated to ensuring you don't miss out. Stay informed, seize these opportunities, and anticipate continued government support for the real estate market's growth. To Contact Paul Levine: 818-298-4000 Mobile Interested in your own interview Contact: Bob Friedenthal 310-736-5787 Mobile Join for Free!