Back in October 2018 conducted a survey about reviews.
The findings were quite interesting.
First Question: Do you believe reviews, testimonials and recommendations are inportant for your business?
Nearly 100% answered yes.
Second Question: On what review sites do you have reviews. We listed out about 10 review sites.
Third Question: Are you generating any business as a result of your reviews?
Here is what we found out. There were two camps of responses.
The ones that listed only 1-2 sites mostly said they were not generating any business from reviews.
The others responses where people listed across the board almost inverabily responded YES.
This is when we decided to jump into the game. Here is what we did. We created single
profile pages for individuals and created links to all the places where they need to have reviews.
So now a reviewer can go to one page and get generate or view reviews to multiple review sites across
the internet. And this is why this is so important. You don't know where a prospect researches.
Our system saves everyone valuable time!!
Next, we added a means of listing all your reviews on your website. And, we also built
a survey/review system as well. By having you satisfied clients go to a convenient location
will help you.
Bottom line. Reviews have proliferated across the internet. Get involved now. Don't lag behind
your competition!!
More questions? Contact:
Bob Friedenthal
310-736-5787 M call or text.