Scott Harrell A More In-Depth Look, Podcast Interview by Bob Friedenthal Social Media Automation Owner of

I am the Owner of LifeTree Prosperity. I provide solutions to problems identified within areas of my expertise. Typical areas of concern are insurance, long-term planning, and retirement, protecting/saving/growing assets, tax-saving and tax deferral, executive benefits, and legacy planning. I have a diverse background that includes technology, marketing and business consulting. I’ve had my own business in some form for over 30 years. I want to meet people that are: * Small-business owners & entrepreneurs (with or without employees or partners), upper-middle-class families; people with mortgages and/or employees. People who understand the value of proper insurance (as in permanent life) to protect assets. * 50+ Pre-retirees as well as those about to retire (retirement planning) – anyone who understands the need to protect wealth with safe money strategies. * People who need protection with Health, Medicare, or Long-term Care. Individual/family/small-groups/seniors * People who have real estate holdings but are reluctant to sell because of potential tax consequences To Contact Scott Harrell: 818-515-9870 Mobile Interested in your own podcast interview Contact: Bob Friedenthal 310-736-5787 Mobile Join for Free!