Contact Information
17412 Ventura Blvd Suite 24
Encino, CA 91316
Contact Person: Bob Friedenthal
As a business person the most valuable asset we have are the people we know.
Nearly 1/3 of the world population 2.2 billion people are on some form of social media platform. Considering around 25 years ago there were less than 50 million people in the entire world on the Internet this is a staggering change of opportunity.
Social media is the new marketing. It's about you. Today you are the brand. Few business people have taken advantage of this new medium.
Roughly 10 years ago the average person knew 150-180 people. Today that number has increased to 500-1000 people plus. Big change due to mobile devices, the Internet and social media.
When surveying clients, the vast majority confirm they have never organized this valuable asset. organizes the people you know. In turn, this asset becomes a goldmine of helping you increase your business.
The old adage is people that give referrals, get referrals.
70-90 percent of new business comes from referral. This is precisely why so many referral organizations exist today.
Yet, referral groups are a reactive process. You are always waiting for people to refer people to you.
The Mycity system is a proactive system. Here we ask you to rate people you know with 5 networking questions.
In the Mycity system you work with your referral partners, query our database, search by vocation, location and rating to find the people you wish meet.
Names are not divulged, just your partners name and rating of your interested vocation for creating the introduction.
Now your referral program has become proactive. This program takes any referral group and fuels life into creating more referrals.
Watch our videos on how the system works.
Please copy and paste the youtube links below:
Setting Up Your Account:
How to work with your referral partners to generate referrals:
Please feel free to contact me for more information.
Bob Friedenthal
Skype: Bobmycity
17412 Ventura Blvd
Encino, CA. 91316
Phone # 310-736-5787