Paul Levine The Commercial Realtor, video interview by Bob Friedenthal Social Media Expert, Owner of

Today we're going to talk about a certain type of investment that generates more cash flow than anything I have ever seen in my life. The investment is about adult residential facilities, for people who have developmental disabilities, people who may end up on the street instead of in a home. And you are going to invest in purchasing a single family residence in Southern California that will house four of these individuals. The state of California will pay almost $12,000 per month per individual, and we find those patients for you. We also find the administrator for you and the staff in the facility. So between a $200,000 down payment on a home that is close to a million dollars, a $50,000 reserve fund that is required by the state of California and closing costs and hour fees and other costs to throw in another $50,000, but it's not gonna be that much drown all out to $300,000. What are you buying? You are buying a house and a staff to run the house with four patients in it, and those patients are going to get food and they are going to be taken care of medically and their disabilities are going to be dealt with. And all of these things come out of the overhead. And if you own one facility, now realize you're getting $12,000 per individual. You have four individuals, you are getting $48,000 a month, and this starts about six months after we set you up. So you're getting 48,000 a month. The overhead, if you have one facility is 50% or $24,000. If you have two facilities, the administrator can run both facilities. And so your overhead is less. So with two facilities, you're running at about 40% overhead, 60% cash flow on $48,000. Watch my short video for more information: Let's talk! Paul Levine 818-298-4000 Mobile